Sunday, July 31, 2011

No More Tangles

Do any of you remember your mother spraying that product in your hair
(and oops... your face too)?

"No More Tangles"

Well today as I went out to throw some hay in for Blaze I realized he had quite a knot in his mane. I've been busy lately and haven't had the time to spend with Blaze that I would like, and with a bounding two year old at my side, sometimes life gets that much crazier.

No more tangles...ha.... that would be nice today.

Or... would it?

I couldn't just leave that mess in Blaze's mane. It just didn't feel right to walk away. I grabbed some baby oil (No More Tangles was not available), dumped it on and away we went. Even if that was the only way Blaze and I connected today I was going to get rid of that tangle.

Then it occurred to me...

That tangle, although not a positive situation, forced me to take time for Blaze today.

Sad but true, same can be true in life with family and friends.

We take each other for granted. We are full of excuses why we can't get together.
Usually we're just "too busy" right?

And that's when things get tangled up... when we neglect each other. If we really care, it's then that we take out the baby oil and comb through things... aka... spend time together.

I'm glad God allows the tangles... although painful... it brings us back together doesn't it?

So if you've been neglecting, hop to it!

And if you've been neglected... be patient, God sees your tangles, and He has a plan to get it all straightened out. If the one neglecting you is not coming through for you, take action, look around... is there a place where the grass is greener?

You have one thing a horse may not have... freedom. You do not need to wait for your owner to come help you. You have one Owner, your Creator, and He always has a brush at hand.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

His Beats in Hoof Beats.

Standing on the edge of a rocky canyon, arms stretched wide, my soul seemed to take in the air that blew toward the edge of the canyon and then vigorously raced upward and over the edge where I stood. All the while hoof beats wildly slam on the ground racing toward me, threatening to push me off into that wind so I could fly like an Eagle.

Hoof beats can be so much more than they really are can't they?

I have never stood on the edge of a canyon, but the mere sound of my horse racing around his pasture tonight inspires.

His hoof beats did push me off the edge once.

Off the edge of complacency and comfort.

He caused me to face my fears. And still does.
Like a mother bird pushing a bird out of the nest, Blaze pushed me out of the box I was living in.

In a split moment, a charging, testing gelding ran at withered, uncertain me and caused me to burst out in confidence in order to survive, literally in that moment and figuratively in life.

Isn't there just something about that sound... hoof beats that is?

There is so much power, and yet grace at the same time...and with such confidence.
It's a rare person who does not have a rise in their soul when hoof beats stir the dust nearby.

And yet, there are also the gentle plodding hoof beats that seem to say...
"I've got you friend. Climb aboard and tuck your problems away in my saddlebags"

Sometimes, Jesus to ME is a hoof beat or a horse ride.

You know footprints in the sand right? God is carrying you.
Well similarly... I see His one set of tracks... only crescent shaped.

Thank you God for hoof beats...powerful, confident, graceful and gentle.

They are representative of You.

Friday, July 22, 2011

No Such Thing

A well known horse trainer is often quoted with saying, "there is no such thing is a bad horse, just bad trainers".

Many other trainers would argue about that, saying at times... there ARE horses you can't get through to. It certainly seems like it... I've seen some of them.

But in seeing them in a moment... do we really know all there is about that horse that got it to this seemingly malignant attitude? Do we know it's breed? It's history? It's environment(culture)?

I would venture to say something even more controversial than the quote above.

There is no such thing is bad people, just bad choices. Oh... I know that didn't set well with some of you. It didn't even set well with ME as my fingers typed it out. I'm still trying to wrap my own mind around it as I consider some of the monstrous things that have happened in our own communities in the last couple weeks.

However, I would challenge you to ask yourself, does God create people with the purpose of them being BAD!? Does He say... "Oh... and I will purposefully put this one on the Earth to murder and destroy"?

Maybe I have a theological screw loose... Please feel free to tighten it if I do. But I do believe God's intentions for us all are pure... it's what we do from there on out that builds our future and our persona. God knows which path each person is going to take, but it doesn't mean that was His hope for them.

Having this outlook gives greater compassion, and greater insight. It helps to see that even the worst of the worst had a good hope in their created moment. It gives us hope. It inspires us to not give up on them and to try to grab on and pull that hope forward.

I LOVE that challenge with horses. It can be scary... but when someone says there is no hope for a horse's attitude... I just want to see them proven wrong.

Now I am asking God to give me that same challenge with people, souls that matter. Help me Lord to even more passionately look at people with the hope and truth that you can see into their hearts with.

Horrifying actions and situations. Yes. Those are real.

Bad people?

No Such Thing.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Lately around the ranch some of the horses have been wearing fly masks to keep the flies from biting their faces. If you've never seen one before they cover the horses eyes and face leaving room for the horses mouth of course so it can eat and drink.

The most interesting thing is, the horse can see you, but you can't see the horse. Kind of like sunglasses right? Your not sure if the person wearing them is looking at you or not... it can be awkward.

But when YOU are the one behind the mask... say... YOU are the horse. It can be convenient to be undercover.

We all wear masks from time to time, don't we? Even for those who might say they don't, there are times they still do to an extent. Masks can be convenient to hide behind.

Do you know someone who wears a "mask". It's frustrating to get to know them isn't it? We kind of throw up our defenses and just give up on trying to get to know them.

Masks... as I am referring to here... often have a negative connotation and if someone isn't going to be real with us, we move one. But here is something worth considering...

Some people put on masks because they have been hurt so much by situations and people in their lives...they are so very very fly bitten. They don't put on the mask hoping that you don't notice them. They put it on to be sure you're sincere.

They hope that even with the mask on you will look into their heart if you really care.

They are putting on masks because they know that the people who look through them must care... because they unselfishly took the time to look deeper.

So look deeper. You don't have to pry, but let people know... you are willing to look past the mask. Let them know they are seen even when the mask makes it hard to see them.

If you stand there long enough, and close enough... you can see through a horses fly mask.

If you are a genuine person and you stick around long enough, and stand close enough... you will see through your friends masks to, and they will be blessed to know, you looked deeper.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where there's a will...

You've gotta want it. Where there's a will there's a way. We all know these phrases right?

They are so true. And yet, as humans... sometimes... we just let that amazing will of ours sit there. Unmotivated. (Myself included)

I get so inspired by horses though, because most of them always seem to have that will. Sure, some get stuck in a lazy rut from time to time and some are mean, but if you get through to them... almost every horse wants to go and to work and to help. They LOVE the satisfaction of a job well done. Sometimes it takes a trainer to convince them of that again, but once convinced properly... they will do almost anything. The catch?

Well, there's not really a catch. But there are two important motivators.

First of all... They work best when they know their trainer LOVES them.

Second, they work best when they are given clear and consistent direction each time they are asked to accomplish a task.

The trainer needs to care. They need to know when to push a horse and when to back off for the time being. They need to know what they're doing so they ultimately don't mess up the horse and confuse it.

SO in your life. Who is your trainer!? Where do you get your cues?

If it's from the world, you will be confused often and uncertain of the love the world has to offer.

If it's from the Lord, you will never be disappointed.

And that motivation... it will resurface.

Where there's a will, love and proper guidance... there is God. And... there is a way.