Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Little Nudge

A couple of days ago I was out with Blaze in his stall. After feeding him sometimes I just can't help but just stand there and just take in all his beauty. Horses truly are one of the most amazing creatures. All that potentially fatal power and yet a desire to please and be loved in return shown by such graceful movement at times. I am in awe that when Blaze is running in his pasture, I can hear his hooves hitting the ground from my upstairs bedroom... I am amazed that that same powerful animal will stand still (to an extent) when asked of him.

As I was standing there watching I noticed him do something I had never seen him do before. Rob just hung a feeding rack up in his stall, this is something new to him. If you have never seen one before, I guess the best way to describe it is a jail for hay. You drop the hat in the top and it's held from metal bars from which the horse reaches between and pulls his hay out. Blaze started running his nose up from the bottom to the top, I immediately thought he was trying to find a way to get the hay to come back out of the top and fall at his feet where he prefers it, so I lightly scolded him... but after watching him a little longer I came to see that was not the case... it may have been at one time, but Blaze caught on to something. (A lesson again for me to look a little deeper into things)

I eventually witnessed Blaze running his nose up the rack and then eating the scrumptious flakes that fell out of his hay into the manger below. So... he wasn't actually trying to get the hay out... but trying to get the goodness out of the hay.

So it is with us... sometimes all it takes is a little nudge to get a good thing to happen. I am so thankful when God nudges me to get the good to come out.

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