Thursday, January 17, 2008

How the Mane Humbles Me

So some of you may be wondering about the Bible verse on the title of my blog? It's one of those verses that just might not quite hit you if you don't get the context. Well one day I just happened to be sulking and God prompted me to open up to the book of Job. You see... Job was sulking too (some may say he had legitimate reason to) and God was trying to show Job how wonderfully in control of things He is when the world seems to be spinning out of control from Job's (or our) perspective. So there I was sulking... since I just didn't seem to get some things going on in my life... and God basically brought me back to Him and the reality that HE sees the big picture... that HE is the one who created all things good. It wasn't ME who put the flowing mane on the horse... it was God. So I have peace in knowing GOD is in control and I lay my worries at the feet of the one who DOES see the big picture. A wonderful lesson God knew would touch the heart of a horse lover. Now when I see blazes beautiful mane when he runs around like crazy... I remember the One who put that mane there... and I praise Him.

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