Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pulling Back To Draw Close

"God do you ever pull back so we will draw closer to you?" This is the question I asked while trying to coax Blaze closer to me today. I reached out my hand so he could barely reach it and pulled it farther back while he stretched his neck in order to get closer. Then it occurred to me. God does sometimes take a step back to get us to see that really we DO want to be with him. Really we want to be closer. See, Blaze's issue was this, I was between him and some delicious looking hay, but I also inconveniently for him, had a halter in my other hand. The halter and the hay are both good for him. Only one is convenient and one is not. One is easy to deal with and one is not. This moment with Blaze made me realize how often I treat God the way Blaze was treating me. I often want to be around Him, for the convenient benefits, the so-called "hay", but I don't want to be around Him for the things and situations He puts me through, that are not so convenient, even though they're beneficial (the halter). Praying God helps me take the halter willingly (and that Blaze will too).

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