Sunday, December 21, 2008
Lately poor Blaze Boy has not gotten the much deserved attention that he needs. The other day as I was shortly OFF bedrest I decided to march right in and give him some love... but HE FREAKED... and myHEART BROKE!!!!!!!! After patience and love and time within 5 minutes we had a haltar on and were starting to relax, but it just brought me to think about lonliness. I doesn't just affect horses does it?
Have you ever noticed during times of solitude how many LIES can be conjured up in your head... how many FEARS can develop and so on. Having contact with friends and family is so so important in order hear truth and understand that you have constant support. It doesn't take a horse long to convince himself everyone's out to get him... really... when left alone long enough... it doesn't take us too long to feel the same way! So today I encourage you to surround yourself with friends... and to BE a friend. And HUG your friends... so that such LOVE doesn't freak THEM out!!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
How do YOU halter!?

Friday, August 8, 2008
Sermon On The Mount Pics
Hey! I'm finally posting pics from Sermon On The Mount!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
He Can Do It!!
What a pro!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Poor Boy
Just a quick update...
Blaze is being considered for possible use in a ministry called "Sermon on the Mount"
(click on the Sermon on The Mount Link on this blog to research further)
This event will be run at
The Isabella County Fairgrounds
July 15,16 and 17
5:30-8:00 pm
It is a FREE event and a GREAT opportunity to watch some AWESOME horse training from world renown trainer, Lew Sterret.
So, there is no gaurantee he will use Blaze... but Blaze is one of seven horses being considered.
So Thursday... the vet comes out to do some vaccinating...
oh brother~! pray for us!!
I'll let you know how it goes!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Going Solo

He mentioned that the word used for "scare" is the same word we would use for "spook". He talked about how a horse going into battle, back in the day, would at times shy away from battle when he heard the cannons in the distance. This was a problem since this huge muscular war horse would be turned into a meek mouse. HOWEVER... when the war horses were surrounded by each other they stirred each other's bravery and loved to fly into war together. Isn't that just like us!? When we go into hard times alone... we may tend to shy away, but when we face them with our brothers and sisters we stir each other's courage! I am so thankful for my fellow war horses....
Going Solo Just Isn't So Fun.
Yesterday Blaze and I did some work together that I thought was a big breakthrough. To you who are familiar with the horse world... this will sound very elementary and it is something I should have done by now. I finally have a starting point and direction though... so now I am pushing forward.
Blaze and I had previously gotten to a point where he trusted me... I thought that was a huge breakthrough and in a sense it was, but now I realize I should have established respect first. Respect should always come before trust. I now see that. Blaze never respected my space and even knew he could push me around. We are going to work on that!!!
Yesterday, I first established my space with Blaze (the area around me that he was not allowed to enter unless I asked him too). He was slightly put out at first, but caught on quickly and enjoyed the praise once he got it right. Through this exercise alone I saw Blaze's attitude go from "I am getting really ticked that your not turning me out to graze!" to "Whoa... this is new... you've got my attention!" And as soon as he saw the release of pressure when he did something right he was a happy horse licking and chewing and showing me he was ready to work. Honestly... I know this is ridiculous... but I have never had him give me such a pleasant attitude and I was shocked how little it took to get it.
After we established boundaries I worked with being able to touch Blaze on nearly every part of his body with him being OK with it... and not only OK with it... but relaxed with it. I found between the ears and under the belly were naturally areas of resistance but I pressed on until he relaxed and then released pressure and he soon was easily allowing it. We started going in circles when I started working on his hind end. Usually when we get to this stage I back away or stop and reposition Blaze and try again. This time I stepped in unthreateningly but dominantly until he stopped spinning and then tried working on him again and he eventually was tired of going around and allowed me to touch him. After about 15 seconds of him standing still I rewarded with a release of pressure and then went into it again and this time we didn't even have to go around!
I was proud of Blaze even for standing still the entire time and for the most time not resisting me. And I am proud of me for being able to start stepping in and not backing away.
Friday, May 16, 2008
My God, My Farrier

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Who IS bigger... the turkey or the horse?

Ears Forward

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Blaze had Visitors Yesterday
Even Linda noticed how much better Blaze was doing. Last time she visited, Blaze was still jumpy. This time he nearly climbed over the fence to see the kids. It just did my heart so much good to see Blaze loving on kids!! He was gentle and inquisative. Even gave a few licks on Hannah and Elizabeth's coats... sorry mom... they will need to be washed.
Thanks so much for visiting girls! It was good for Blaze!!!
Blaze will have more visitors tomorrow since we're hosting Easter here! He's very excited!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Finally Face to Face

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Persistance pays off they say, and it certainly did with Blaze this week! We are also praying it will with our adoptions. Please pray with us that God's lesson of persistance with Blaze this week... would be well reflected in our patience during this adoption! We will not give up... even if it does seem our toes are freezing off!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Hopewell Ranch
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Give and Take
Doesn't this sound like what happens to us sometimes when God works in our lives? He would like to come to us and get us to accomplish one thing, but we resist and He finds another way to better us anyway. I'm so glad He does that instead of just giving up on us the first time we resist Him. I hope you can see God when He tries to work in your life. And if you have any clues on bettering the halter situation... feel free to share... I have a lot of growing and learning to do, I'm glad we at least got some growth out of our time together, but I certainly don't want to harm Blaze in my ignorance. Thank you God for continuing to give to us even when we take from you or resist the goodness you try to lay before us.