Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So there is no effective way to first get close to a scared horse without having it in mind to be gentle. Unless you're going to lasso him... and really that's not such a bad thing... but if you want a strong bonded relationship... GENTLENESS is a must in that. Oh... yes firmness too... or you'll get walked on... but firm ALL the time will get you a fear based relationship. So it is with our Father God too right? I praise Him for his Gentleness... if He was firm all the time I would just impatiently turn my back. He knows exactly the balance that we need thankfully. And Blaze has been an awesome teacher of that. You know the more you get down God's character and the more you act like Him... the more your horse will be at ease... not to mention the people in your life.

SO I have to confess... I FORGOT my gentleness a couple days ago. Well... Rob was finishing putting walls up in Blaze's stall... so we had Blaze blocked from going into it... an wouldn't you know... Blaze didn't like that idea... so he kept pushing his chest into the wooden gate nearby... hoping to get out... and He probably would have except... oh so smart cowgirl here... slap her leg and yelled "HEY stop that!" oh yeah... I am so far from a cowgirl it cracks ME up!!! Anyway... after my grand idea... it scared Blaze and he lowered his head before turning to run and his head got stuck in the space between the gate and the post it was latched to. OH with horses the chances of serious injury from silly thing like that are HUGE because they are flight animals. And Blaze could have easily broke his neck out of panic... thankfully... with a few scratches only he was able to PULL his head through. I just about lost it from what my own stupidity could have caused. How much more could we have both learned if I would have just reached over the gate and rerouted Blaze.

So let's all remember from this... God is SO gentle with us... because He knows it will work better, AND WE need to be oh so gentle with each other too!!! A lesson I am still trying to grasp!

Thank you Lord for using Blaze to teach me gentleness!

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