Well it is a lovely 29 degrees out right now!!! And I really do love it... because I LOVE winter. Blaze however... well I guess he hates it. He has not at all been himself lately. I mean, he has literally been grumpy. I couldn't really understand this at first, and I still am not to sure I do completely. But I have been told that winter makes a horse a completely different beast. Well, that's happening around our barn for sure. Blaze has not one ounce of patience right now. So I have been pretty disappointed with this seeing my sweet loving horse become rude and demanding. SO this morning I went out and fed him and then laid back on a hill of wood chips there by his trough just to hang out with him a little. As I laid there I couldn't help but wonder what had been making him so grumpy... and the longer I laid there... the colder I got... and it all settled in as the wind was whipping around me. Adjusting to the winter would not be FUN for ME either if I had to weather it all outside. So I went in the house, got Blaze a lukewarm bucket of water and brought it out to him. He drank the entire bucket of water as I held it for him, and for the first time in a couple weeks, he was actually not pushing me around and the look in his eyes turned from anxious to thankful.
So it's interesting what a little time spent looking into a situation can uncover, and what a little compassion and understanding can give. How many times do people around us feel like a horse adjusting to winter and all they wish someone would give them was a nice warm drink. Lord, thank you for using Blaze again to show that if we slow down and take the time to think things out, you often will give us peace or reveal and answer to us. And thank you for reminding me that a little lukewarm water is good for any friend's anxious spirit! I pray I share your water well.